Sunday, February 11, 2007

US ties Iran to bombs in Iraq

The US military has evidence suggesting that an Iranian special forces unit has been involved in the deaths of at least 170 US soldiers in Iraq. Explosively formed penetrators, an explosive that can penetrate armored vehicles, have been traced back to Iran. Other weapons are also believed to originate in Iran, and the US feels they are being supplied a force that answers directly to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Iran denies there is any truth to the allegations and says that the evidence is fabricated.

Between this and Iran's determination to pursue a nuclear program, I think there is a real possibility that the US and Iran could end up in some sort of war in the future. I only hope this can be resolved diplomatically, because a war with Iran would not only be extremely costly and dangerous, but would lead to further hatred of America in the Middle East region.

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