Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"Use of Force" Against Iran?

John Bolton, Former US Ambassador to the UN, stated today that if Iran continues to enrich uranium the US and other nations need to join together to effect a "regime change by bolstering opposition groups" in Iran. We went on to say that if that failed the US "need[s] to look at the use of force."

This kind of talk is rather disturbing to me. I think the last thing we need at this point is to take the lead in interfering with another sovereign nation's internal politics and government. While the Iranian nuclear problem is a serious issue, all is not lost diplomatically yet. Further, the US cannot afford yet another war at this point in time. The military is also stretched thin with the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

No wonder Bolton was essentially forced to resign. Keep in mind, he was never actually voted in, but rather was appointed by President Bush as a recess appointment. Bolton has repeatedly shown himself to possess almost no diplomatic skills. His latest comments show just how out of touch he is with the world.

For more on why Bolton is wrong, read on here.

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