Sunday, February 17, 2008

World's Worst Dictators

Kim Jong-Il (pictured) tops Parade's list of the World's Worst Dictators this year. Parade says the dictators are chosen based on human-rights abuses, the level of suffering caused by their leadership, and the amount of absolute power they possess. On you can read more about why each dictator was chosen and what their link to the United States is. You can also see where they ranked last year and chose who you think is "the worst." Personally, I chose Sudan's Omar Al-Bashir because his government is responsible for an ongoing genocide. Also, Pervez Musharraf's position could be up for grabs soon with Pakistan holding elections Monday. However, many feel the elections will be rigged, in which case Musharraf may deserve a promotion on the list.

Parade's 10 Worst Dictators of 2008
1. Kim Jong-Il, North Korea
2. Omar Al-Bashir, Sudan
3. Than Shwe, Burma (Myanmar)
4. King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia
5. Hu Jintao, China
6. Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe
7. Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Iran
8. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan
9. Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan
10. Isayas Afewerki, Eritrea


Anonymous said...

Where does Bush fit in the list ?

Ptowns said...

That's an excellent question Dave. I suppose the answer depends on who is making the list. If you check the comments to the story on the Parade website you can see that there are more than a handful of people who rank GWB at or near the top.

Anonymous said...

It's not the list of worst US presidents. If you think ANY US president comes close to the crimes of these dictators, you are amazingly ignorant. Do you know what genocide is?