Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Pakistan Willing to Relinquish Kashmir Claim

President Pervez Musharraf said Pakistan would give up on its claim to the Kashmir region (see picture for disputed territory) if India were to do the same. This would end a conflict that stems back to the founding of India and Pakistan following British rule (for more on the conflict check out wikipedia).

Musharraf laid out a plan which he believes will produce a peaceful resolution.

The four solutions he said were as follows: (1) Kashmir will have the same borders but people will be allowed to move freely back and forth in the region; (2) The region will have self-governance or autonomy, but not independence; (3) Troops will be withdrawn from the region in a staggered manner and (4) A joint supervision mechanism will be set up, with India, Pakistan and Kashmir represented.

Musharraf also made it very clear that he was against independence for the region, and feels that India is as well.

I hope that the two nations can come together on a plan much like Musharraf's. If nothing else, it is nice to see a discourse open up again. There have been several wars fought over the territory and it is currently an area of much unrest. Yet another wonderful example of the folly of imperialism.

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