Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Gates Says US not Winning War in Iraq

When asked in his Senate confirmation hearing if the US was winning the war in Iraq, defense secretary nominee Robert Gates (pictured) gave the obvious answer, "No". He also said that what happen in Iraq will "greatly influence global geopolitics for many years to come." Refreshingly, Gates realizes the importance of positive relations with other countries in the Middle East, including Iran and Syria. President Bush wants nothing to do with them, but maybe Gates can convince him that their influence is too great to continue on with the "us versus them" mentality.

I do not see how Bush can expect to form a democratic, pro-Western nation when it is bordered by anti-Western nations. Iraq is too fragile right now to ignore the strong sediments emanating from its borders. Heck, there is enough resentment of the West in Iraq as it is. Looks like it is back to the drawing board for a solution, a welcomed change for the "stay the course" rhetoric of the last year or so.

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