Tuesday, December 19, 2006

US and India Sign Nuclear Deal

President Bush has signed off on a deal that will allow India to buy nuclear reactors and fuel after a 30 year ban. The deal must now be approved by the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the International Atomic Energy Agency and then again by the US Congress.

The deal promises to bring the US and India closer, but critics say it undermines US efforts to prevent nuclear weapons and could lead to more proliferation by China and Pakistan, India's nuclear rivals. One US Representative said the deal "may well become the death warrant to the international nuclear nonproliferation regime."

I think there are some real concerns here. Anytime you are dealing with nuclear technology there can be abuse. I only hope that the US will closely monitor India's use of these nuclear reactors and the fuel. Other nations must be reassured that this deal is for energy uses only, not weapons, to prevent an arms race. Anything less will be a huge disservice to the world community by the US.

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