Sunday, December 03, 2006

UN Considers Problem of "E-Waste"
Ever wondered where all the old cell phones and computers end up? Apparently, must of it is dumped in Africa and other developing countries, with as much as 75% of the waste being deposited here. The problem is a serious one, as it is estimated that 50 million metric tons of "e-waste" is produced every year. Much of this waste is then burned, releasing toxic chemical into the air and ground.

Delegates from around the world recently met to discuss the problem and the consensus was that recycling and disposal programs need to be developed further in the waste-producing countries. However, the delegates were less willing to agree on any funding for the countries that have absorbed the majority of the waste to date. That should not come as a shock to anyone, but at least they are recognizing there is a problem and it must be addressed. For more check out some articles here and here. If you would like to get more involved, check out StEP, an organization committed to "Solving the E-waste Problem."

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